just wait.
one day my paintings will be worth more than money.
and ill still be around to smile about it.
maybe not alive. but inside every wall i liberated from its blank expression.
on every stencil, on every sticker, on every tag and piece.
ill be there.
ill be standing on my own two feet.
ill be the shadow in the night with the spray paint gripped tight.
the one who makes all the drips just right.
the one who never gives up
the one the flees from the cop
insano wont be stopped
3 a.m on the streets.
hoodies,cans and caps.
fat marker that never sleeps.
either you admire it
or you hate it
or you just dont have an opinion
i dream of a color culture
with no black & white in my future

so these words are dedicated to my one true love
graffiti, graffiti, graffiti.
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