Welcome to Panama!

Hello my name is Insano. Welcome to panama. Im a Graphic Designer / Street Artist. I am inspired by my everyday experiences, I try to make art that lights up my mind and puts a smile on my face. I sponsor art everyday, never leave home with out a marker or pen. I am always looking for new eye candy. This is my work hope you enjoy and view all of it, and if interested in further information feel free to contact me.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I took a trip up to Chiriqui which is the interior Panama and its capital David is the second biggest city in panama.The piece above is my friend Arlo he is a green devil that got rejected from hell because he wasn't evil enough and now he lives in the walls on the cities. I painted it at an CYBER CAFE who by coincidence was owned by the dad of BALBINO one of panamas TOP TATTOO ARTIST. how cool is that. anyways Arlo is drinking coffee,listening to music and eating a sandwich. i didn't charge him for it, but he gave me free breakfast, which was really GOOD! good bacon. 4 days went by and then i headed back home I left my name on the highway like a dog marking its territory. I got two speeding tickets one of which the motorcycle cop had to chase me to pull me over because i "didn't see him flag me down" he check my car and found this.....

he was gonna give me a ticket but i manage to get out of it by getting him all hyped up about the new president and how he has to work more hours and gets paid the same, haha, so he said "you know what im not gonna give you a ticket because neither you or me wins anything only the goverment, so fuck the goverment, im gonna let you go" this was just what i needed because i couldnt afford a second speeding ticket ($50.00) the cop road away into the darkness in his suzuki chopper, which his 1/3 lightsaber aparatus.
tired i got back in my car and manage to hold myself from tagging alot of bus stop on what was left of the ride back home. well i hope you enjoyed this story and pics, there will be more....

1 comment:

  1. jajaja ame el cuento del tongo y estoy creyendo en la variedad de colores que tienes :D
